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GCE Business Studies

Shall I take GCE A-Level Business Studies

GCE A-level Business Studies, both the AS and the AL, focuses heavily on the comprehension and application of Business concepts in real life situations. If you would like to apply to business related disciplines at university, it is encouraged that you take AL Business Studies or Economics (not a pre-requisite for most top universities in the US, UK, Canada or HK) and/or demonstrate passion in various business related fields.

How to get A/A* in GCE A-Level Business Studies

Most students find it challenging to write good essays consisting of “to the point” data responses. This is because:

  1. students find it hard to link business concepts in the cases presented in the questions
  2. students find it hard to organize their thoughts within an essay format

In order to work towards a A/A*, students should start practicing the Business Studies essay writing as soon as they have enough context to do so. In addition, it is recommended that you receive timely feedback on essay writing early on so that you can identify areas to improve on before tackling the final essay responses themselves.

At CANA, our tutors explain the hard-to-grasp business concepts, provide links between concepts and real life cases, and breakdown the scope and structure of Business Studies essays to give you a head start in your written assignments. This effectively helps you acquire and practice exam techniques, allowing you to aim for top grades in tests, mocks, and the final exam.


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