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IB Theatre

Should I Study IB Theatre?

The ability to perform for an audience takes bravery and passion. If a student possesses these qualities and sees themselves as a star of the stage (or working behind the scenes), then an IB in Theatre will help them on their road to pursuing further related degrees at University. IB Theatre is available in both Standard Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL). The main difference between the two is that HL students will complete a solo theatre piece based on a theatre theorist studied outside of the classroom which is then presented to their teachers and classmates.

How to get a 7 in IB Theatre?

To get a 7, both SL and HL students must take on the role of the director and produce a notebook discussing how a previously created play could be staged for an audience. This includes elements of stage direction, acting choice, lighting, and sound, to name but a few of the aspects that must be taken into consideration. All students must also plan and deliver an individual presentation to their teachers and classmates discussing and performing an aspect of theatre independently studied outside of the classroom. This presentation focuses on a convention of theatre tradition. Students are also assessed on a collaborative project they complete with their classmates, working together to present an original theatre piece for a target audience. Aside from all of the above, HL students are also responsible for a solo performance based on another theatre theorist studied outside of the classroom. The piece must be based on this theory.

How CANA coaches students to achieve a 7 in IB Theatre

CANA tutors will aid an IB theatre student through every step of the process, from the very theoretical fundamentals of theatre to the more complex and creative aspects such as performing and directing. Teachers will provide students with everything they need in order to help them achieve the very highest possible levels in the course.

For HL students, CANA tutors will aid them in completing the research on various theatre theorists, help students to pick one they find most interesting, and then aid them in preparing the individual theatre piece. Tutors will also be able to go over the best way to keep and present students’ notebooks, making sure the various elements required as part of the piece are discussed and presented in the correct manner. While tutors may not be able to attend any performances or presentations, they can help coach individual students or a group with their original piece of theatre and presentations, offering advice and guidance on aspects including but not limited to theatre tradition, writing, directing, and the performance itself.


Here at CANA Elite, we truly believe that every student is unique and has the potential to reach their goals with the right guidance. Academic excellence is derived from both passionate teachers and eager students. That is why we provide a unique learning experience tailored to each individual student. Named after the location of the first miracle in the Bible, we hope CANA elite can be the place of miracles for all our students, allowing them to achieve their dreams.